Captain Kevin Tennant
Administrative Division Commander
Lieutenant Brittain
Detective Sgt. Zeichner

The Criminal Investigations Bureau (C.I.B.) is responsible for conducting follow-up investigations of crimes and incidents initially investigated by the Operations Division. After crimes have been committed against people or property, detectives from CIB begin their investigations. In most cases, this process begins with the detective evaluating the credibility of the people involved as well as examining any evidence recovered.
Although each case has one detective assigned as the primary investigator, success is often the result of a collaborative effort. In addition to criminal investigations, the detectives are responsible for conducting police officer and dispatcher applicant background checks as well as liquor license investigations and sex offender registrations.
A sergeant, six detectives, and an identification officer staff the bureau. Detectives assigned to this unit investigate crimes perpetrated by both adult and juvenile offenders. The I.D Officer concentrates on evidence identification and processing procedures at crime scenes. All detectives receive training in and assist with these crime scene procedures when necessary. Evidence located at a crime scene is examined by the identification officer or may be sent to state or federal crime laboratories for analysis.
A goal of the Criminal Investigations Bureau is to locate, identify and recover property stolen or illegally obtained in a criminal act, whether or not it is taken locally or from another jurisdiction and to apprehend and arrest those persons wanted in connection with that crime. The police department property storage system is managed and maintained through the Criminal Investigation Bureau. All property, including evidence recovered from crime scenes and suspects, confiscated property, and lost and found property is properly stored from the time of its initial receipt until it is needed for Court, returned to owner, or destroyed.
The sergeant supervises the day-to-day operations of the Bureau which includes case assignments, monitoring the progress of current investigations, reviewing reports, ordering equipment, applicant background and liquor license investigations, and assisting the I.D. Specialist with managing the property storage function.
The Detective Sergeant also conducts internal investigations, supervises special details (i.e. surveillance/arrest operations), functions as the police department’s counter-terrorism liaison, coordinates sex offender registrations, manages the CIB vehicle fleet and supervises the day-to-day activities of the Youth Services Bureau.
For information on how to retrieve property that was taken as evidence, please contact
the detective assigned to the case.
Bridgewater Police T-I-P-S Line
If you have information about a crime, you can telephone or e-mail your information to the Bridgewater Police Crime Tips Info Line.
The T-I-P-S telephone number is: 1-877-660-4636. Or you can e-mail us by clicking here.
Accurate descriptions of events and suspects, including names, dates, times, and locations will help us to investigate your tip.
Your message may be anonymous. If your information needs immediate attention, please call 908-722-4111 or 9-1-1 for emergencies.