Community Police
Community Police Alliance
In September of 2021, Somerset County and Bridgewater Township implemented a pilot innovation referred to as the Community Police Alliance project to provide aid and support to at-risk residents before their situation escalated to one involving police intervention. The County Human Services Department hired Dameon Stackhouse, a Licensed Social Worker, to coordinate and refine the pilot project to expand it to other communities in the future.
The Community Police Alliance project is provided to Bridgewater Township Police Department by Somerset County at no cost. Dameon Stackhouse is working out of the Somerset County Human Services offices in Somerville while spending significant time with the Bridgewater Police Department. Bridgewater Township has provided Mr. Stackhouse with an office near the Bridgewater Municipal Court, located at the Bridgewater Municipal Complex on Commons Way.
The Community Police Alliance Coordinator's (CPAC) mission is to bridge the gap between the community and law enforcement and respond to mental health crises with the Bridgewater Police Department (BPD) when called upon. In his role as Community Police Alliance Coordinator, Mr. Stackhouse will receive, analyze, act upon, and follow up on referrals provided to him by the Bridgewater Police Department based on their observations. He will offer referred individuals and families the information and support needed to take advantage of community services that address mental health, substance use, domestic violence, housing and food insecurity, childcare, and healthcare.
By improving the living situation of residents and families before they reach a crisis point, the Community Policing Alliance focuses on reducing harm to the public, saving law enforcement resources, and creating a better community for everyone. The program focuses on assisting Police Officers with the resources that Mr. Stackhouse can provide in changing people’s lives for the better and preventing the pain and suffering that inevitably follows.
This program would not have been possible without the hard work and determination of Bridgewater Mayor Matthew Moench and the Somerset County Commissioners.
Mr. Stackhouse is a welcomed addition to the township and Police Department. We encourage every resident in Bridgewater Township who needs assistance, information, or support to take advantage of community services that address the above issues to reach out to Mr. Stackhouse. We can all benefit from this program working together.
CPAC Coordinator Dameon Stackhouse
Contact Information:
Office: (908) 541-5706
Fax: (908) 704-1629
Cell: (908) 963-2745
Email: dstackhouse@co.somerset.nj.us