Traffic Safety Unit

The Traffic Safety Unit (TSU) is staffed by one Sergeant and four officers. The Traffic Safety Unit provides service and expertise in the following areas:
Fatal/serious motor vehicle crash investigations, safety presentations, hazardous busing requests, crossing guard training, traffic surveys, work zone site inspections, crash data surveys, wrecker roster management, traffic related policy / procedure updates, signage requests / replacements, junk title requests, drunk driving grant overtime scheduling, in-service and police academy recruit training, as well as working with various state, county, and township officials to meet the growing demands of a rapidly developing Township.
If you have any traffic concerns or wish to have a child seat inspection, please feel free to contact Traffic Sgt. Hennessey by email or call 908-526-1977.
“Move Over”
Keep our first responders safe! When you see a stationary emergency or tow vehicle with its emergency lights on move over to the next available lane or if that is not possible slow down 10 MPH below the speed limit. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated! For more information on this law click on the image below.
Child Safety Seat Inspections
Child safety seat inspections are done by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, contact the Traffic Safety Bureau at 908-526-1977 or email the Traffic Safety Bureau. Please include your name, phone number and dates/times of availability.
Traffic Safety Resources
Bridgewater Township is looking for on-call Crossing Guards. Contact Officer Greco for more information.